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Myopia Management: 3 Myths and Facts You Need to Know

This blog dispels three common myopia myths and explains how early myopia management, regular eye tests, and treatment from an eye doctor can slow its...

What is Blue Light?

Whether you spend a significant amount of your day on a computer, tablet or smartphone, the blue light that is emitted from these devices may...

Concussion after a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Don’t suffer in silence, there’s a solution waiting for you. Most traumatic brain injuries (TBI) result in some form of visual dysfunction. Even a mild...

Head Injury can Cause Vision Problems

Have you had your Functional Vision Checked after a Concussion? Most traumatic brain injuries (TBI) result in some form of visual dysfunction. Even a mild...

Are Your Child’s Eyes School-Ready?

Is your child ready for the upcoming school year? Children not only need clear 20/20 vision, but these too can impact a child's learning and...

Are you Still Suffering from a Car Accident?

Recovering from a car accident involves more than just healing physical injuries; it requires attention to how the accident has impacted your vision. Vision therapy...

Spring is in the Air – Do your Contacts Feel Dry?

Using standard contact lenses can sometimes worsens allergy-eyes symptoms. Switching to daily disposable contact lenses resolves this problem, since they are thrown away every night...

Protect Your Child’s Future Vision With Myopia Management

While prescription glasses and contact lenses do a great job of correcting your child’s vision, they do little to protect your child’s eye health.

Offer Your Child a Clearer Future with Ortho-K

Ortho-k Has Been Shown to Effectively Slow Myopia Progression in Children Myopia can significantly impact your child’s performance in school and sports and can lead...

There is a Solution for Keratoconus

Scleral lenses offer a unique solution, as they are larger in diameter than traditional contacts and are designed to rest on the sclera, the white...

Need New Glasses? Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late.

Before the year ends, use your vision benefits to get a new pair of glasses and book an eye exam.

Freedom Is Within Reach

Scleral lenses are a type of contact lens that covers the entire cornea and rests on the white part of the eye (sclera). They’re larger...

Benefits of Specialty Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus

Tired of living with blurry vision caused by keratoconus? Specialty scleral lenses may be just what the eye doctor ordered.

Keratoconus: Scleral Lenses are the Answer

If you have keratoconus, scleral lenses could be the solution to see clearly and comfortably. Scleral lenses, with a new and improved design, are a...

What is the Difference Between Amblyopia and Strabismus?

A detailed examination of the differences between Amblyopia and Strabismus, including the symptoms and treatment for each.

The Link Between High Myopia and Serious Eye Diseases

High myopia – severe nearsightedness – is associated with an increased risk of serious eye diseases such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Can Vision Therapy Benefit A Child With a Learning Disability?

Vision therapy can address underlying visual problems that can mimic or exacerbate a learning disability.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams in Detecting Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can cause severe vision loss, but early detection can help preserve your vision.

Eye Exam Saves Woman’s Life by Detecting Brain Tumor Early

Here's how eye exams helped save Katie's vision and quality of life. Call Clarity Optometry to schedule your appointment.

Concussions & Vision Problems After a Car Accident

Car accidents can often result in a concussion, a type of traumatic brain injury that can cause vision problems.

How Long Does It Take To Switch From Glasses to Scleral Lenses?

Switching from glasses to scleral contact lenses can take several weeks. your Hamilton eye doctor will provide instructions on how to properly insert, remove, and...

When Should You See a Retina Specialist?

Many retinal conditions can lead to vision loss if not diagnosed early and treated promptly. If your optometrist notices signs of retinal disease, they’ll manage...

How Can Poor Vision Affect Your Child’s Behavior?

Did you know that poor visual skills can contribute to behavioral problems in children? Read on to learn how vision therapy can help address these...

Experts Warn of Rising Levels Of Myopia

Discover why experts say there’s a myopia epidemic, and learn what you can do to keep your kids’ eyes healthy. Myopia Management Center At Clarity...

7 Eye Care Tips for the Holiday Season

Your eye experts at Clarity Optometry have compiled our top 7 tips for keeping your eyes healthy and safe this holiday season. Let us know...

Supplements That Slow AMD Progression

Aging comes with many blessings but also certain challenges. Having a higher risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of them. Fortunately, a...

Retraining The Concussed Brain Using Neuro-Optometry

Post trauma vision syndrome (PTVS) can persist long after a concussion, making everyday tasks difficult. Luckily, neuro-optometry can treat many visual post-concussion symptoms. Learn about...

City Kids Are More Likely To Be Nearsighted

Did you know that a risk factor for developing myopia (nearsightedness) is living in an urban area? But don’t worry – the myopia management program...

Blurred Vision And Headaches — What’s the Connection

If you suffer from headaches accompanied by blurred vision, you may have an underlying problem with your visual system. Read on to discover how blurred...

What Causes a Child to Be a Slow Learner?

When a child is considered a ‘slow learner,’ parents and teachers often assume the problem is ADHD or a learning disability. Many don’t realize that...

Raising Awareness About Keratoconus

World Keratoconus Day is celebrated every year on November 10 to raise awareness of this rare eye condition. Read on to learn about keratoconus and...

Could You Pass on the Keratoconus Gene?

Genetic testing can help determine whether you have a genetic variant that may put you or your children at risk for certain diseases. Read on...

Is Your Child Doing Poorly in School? Here’s What You Need to Know

Have you ever seen a child who struggles in school despite trying hard to succeed? They could have an undetected vision problem that makes reading...

Protect Your Eyes With These Contact Lens Safety Tips

It's Contact Lens Safety Month, which makes it the perfect time to brush up on ways to keep your eyes and vision healthy when wearing...

Childhood Glaucoma: Here’s What You Need to Know

Glaucoma in children is rare, but when it occurs, it must be treated with surgery to prevent vision loss. Read on to learn more about...

What’s The Difference Between Traumatic And Non-Traumatic Brain Injuries?

There are 2 main types of brain injuries - traumatic and non-traumatic. Here, we'll explain the difference between these injuries and how Neuro-Optometry Center at...

Why Glasses Are Not the Solution for Progressive Myopia

Traditional myopia correction uses glasses to improve visual acuity, but they are not a solution for controlling myopia’s progression and may even contribute to worsening...

How Long Does It Take for Macular Degeneration to Progress?

Macular degeneration is a disease that can threaten your sight as it progresses, but early diagnosis and treatment can delay and even lower your risk...

How Poor Eye Tracking Impacts Reading

Eye tracking is a visual skill necessary for academic success. Poor eye tracking skills can compromise your child’s ability to read and learn. Fortunately, vision...

Are You Suddenly Seeing Dark Spots? Here’s What You Should Do

Seeing floaters is common and usually nothing to worry about. Yet there are times when floaters are a sign of a serious eye condition. Here’s...

Is Myopia Management Worth The Financial Investment?

The most important reason for choosing myopia management is to protect your child’s precious gift of sight from sight-threatening eye diseases. But here’s an added...

Can You Wear Contacts With Corneal Dystrophy?

If you have corneal dystrophy, it will become increasingly difficult to wear standard contact lenses. Scleral lenses are an excellent choice for patients with many...

3 Effective Ways to Relieve Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions in the world, yet many people put up with the discomfort, even though it's...

What’s an Ocular Migraine?

An ocular migraine can cause the sudden appearance of visual distortions, and even temporary blindness in one eye. Either way, an ocular migraine can be...

Giving Vision Therapy The Attention It Deserves

If you’ve ever wondered why some medical professionals don’t mention vision therapy as a treatment for visual problems caused by a concussion and other medical...

Ways You Can Prevent Vision Loss From Glaucoma

Unfortunately, glaucoma doesn't show any symptoms until its advanced stages. Read on to learn what you can to preserve your vision and live your best...

5 Eye Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Here are 5 eye symptoms that you should never ignore. Call Clarity Optometry without delay if you or a loved one experiences any of these...

LASIK Complications: How Scleral Lenses Can Help You Regain Clear Vision

Have you or a loved one have experienced complications following LASIK or any other type of refractive surgery? Scleral lenses may be just the solution...

How to Reduce Your Child’s Risk of Myopia

Childhood myopia — nearsightedness — is reaching epidemic proportions. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to reduce their child’s risk of developing myopia.

Start The Year Right With A Pediatric Eye Exam

Every child should have a comprehensive eye exam before the start of the new school year. Just as you wouldn’t consider sending them to school without...

Why Get Custom Contact Lenses?

Custom contact lenses are specially designed to fit irregularly-shaped corneas. If you find wearing regular contact lenses uncomfortable, ask your optometrist if custom contact lenses...

How Does High Myopia Affect Eye Health?

High myopia isn’t just difficulty seeing faraway objects. It can actually increase the risk of developing serious eye diseases later in life. Read on to...

How High Blood Pressure Can Lead to Vision Loss

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, you're at risk of developing certain eye diseases. Read on to find out how to protect your...

Why All Kids with ADHD Should Have Their Eyes Examined

Children with ADHD commonly have visual problems, such as convergence insufficiency, tracking difficulties, and others. Fortunately, vision therapy is an effective treatment for these and...

Can I Be Blinded By A Nerf® Gun?

Did you know that Nerf® guns, a supposedly safe children’s toy, have been shown to cause eye injury in certain cases? What makes them so...

Hyperopia and Your Child

Hyperopia affects near vision in children and young adults. Want to know more about hyperopia? Here we explain ways to recognize the condition and help...

4 Ways a Stroke Can Impact Vision

In this article, we explore the various ways a stroke can negatively affect a person’s vision and explain how a neuro-optometrist can help rehabilitate vision.

Are Children with IEPs More Likely to Have Vision Problems?

Children with IEPs — individualizedsupport in school — are more likely to experience problems with their eyes’ ability to track, team and focus, but...

Everything You Need To Know About Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease that causes the cornea to thin and bulge, resulting in blurry and distorted vision. Here are the most commonly...

Can Cataract Surgery Prevent Dementia?

Cataract surgery not only improves vision. Research suggests that cataract surgery may also prevent cognitive decline.

Can We Stop Myopia From Progressing?

Myopia management, an optometrist-developed program, can slow and even halt the progression of a child’s myopia. Read on to learn more.

June 27 Is National Sunglasses Day!

Here’s how you can celebrate National Sunglasses Day on June 27.

How to Know If Your Child Has a Functional Vision Problem

Even children with 20/20 vision may experience functional visual problems that can negatively affect their schoolwork and enjoyment of activities like reading and sports. Our...

Eye Doctors Near Me

Out of the five senses, eyesight is by far the most important. We perceive up to 80% of all things by means of sight. If...